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Luxman T-530 FM/AM Tuner
Around 1983 Luxman company came with its "digital" tuner T-530 of the 500 audio series.
Front ^
Wood alike top ^
The display in FM function. ^
Special futures:
This digital FM/AM tuner has MW reception. It has CAT tuning and CSF filtering. There is a special designed "antenna attenuator".
The inside of the tuner.^
Click here to download the user manual of the Luxman T-530 tuner in pdf-format (construction)
Back ^
This tuner is a "digital" tuner with digital display.
It has a small common 4 gang diode-cap FM front-end with 2 stage band filter in front. It has AM too.
The T-530 is electronically not a very spectacular electronic design.
The CAT tuning works well, but is an extra feature that is not sensible when tuning by hand.
The same goes for the CSF that is usable when tuning is on "auto".
When aligning this tuner, remember that the front-end is simple and some coils do not have cores,
so aligning is only for the cored coils and the variable caps.
The band-filter in front of the frond-end is only alignable when the antenna attennuator is pushed,
it only works when this button is pushed and when CAT is working and finds strong signals.
The MF is simple and has 2 settings: wide and narrow, but uses only 2 to 4 ceramic filters.
Set the deemphasis switch to 50 µS in Europe and 75 µS in USA, check in your country your local setting for best sound.
The Anti-birdies filter is working fine. The audio section is simple.
Do NOT set this tuner to 240V ~ setting with the mains voltage selector, due to the detrimental voltage rise from 220V to 240V~:
the secondary voltage will drop from a desired 18 Volts to approx. 16 Volts and that is too low, leave it on 220V for a stable 18.7 Volts.
If you set it to 240V it may cause reception instability on FM.
Click here to download the service manual of the Luxman T-530 tuner in pdf-format.
The FM front-end and the MF part, together with the AM section. ^
The sound and reception quality is similar to other similar Luxman tuners and some of the T500 series tuners.
The power supply section. ^
To get a stable reception the capacitors of the power supply should be replaced with better ones.
Audio LF section ^
Bright lights, the front glass lighting brings back some memories to the T14. ^
© Hans Hilberink - PE1MMK ® 2003 - Last update: 01-02-2020.