Audio set  Jean Croux

Turntable: Thorens TD 521 (First model)
PU-arm: SME 3009 II / fixed shell / latest model with golden RCA pins at both ends
No damper
Cartridge: Yamaha MC 1000 (MC)
Cartridge: Stanton 881 S II (MD) (spare cartridge)
Year 1989

Pre-Pre-amp: Luxman CX 1 / (laboratory reference series)
Fully DC-coupled / Full class A
Year 1978

Pre-amp: Luxman C12
Fully DC-coupled / class A output
Year 1978

Main-amp: Luxman M12
Fully DC-coupled / 2 x 5 watts class A / 2 x 80 watts class AB
RMS-power at 8 ohm, full spectrum, both channels driven, clipping at 90 watts
Year 1978

Tuner: Luxman T12
Analogue tuner
Year 1978; one of the best tuners Luxman ever made

Cassette-deck: Akai GXF 95 (very rare model)
Fully DC-coupled / Quartz direct-drive / 3 motors / 3 Head / Full Auto-tuning
(BTW, I had all Nakamichi models before > this Akai sounds better!!)
Year 1985

Headphones: STAX Lambda basic / electrostatic headset
Year 1998

CD-player: Sony CDP 337 ESD
4 DAC'S / 18 bit / 8 times oversampling
Year 1989

Speakers: Tannoy HPD 385 / first generation HPD 
in sealed 200 ltr's cabinets.
Year 1974; also look at: 
     Jean's Cabinets

Speaker-Cable: Monitor Audio / 4 mm˛ / Silvered copper
Interlinks: Gold-ends // Home-made (DIY) OFC-cable with Goldplated RCA-pins
between Pre-Pre-amp and Pre-amp / CD-player and Pre-amp

(Pictures of my set will follow soon)!!

Questions? please contact me,

Jean Croux,


22-12-2002 @